Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I've been helping Anna out a bit with orientation and workshops and after today we'll be all finished. We're having our end of orientation dinner at Monica's again this year, and I got to order all of the food. It should be a good time. The highlight would have to be when I had the volunteers over for dinner on Ejit. They all crossed the reef for the first time, and the dogs left them alone. I shared some culinary tricks with them with vegetable fried rice and yellow fin tuna served three ways- Sashimi, Poke, and Jacob's lemon/coconut milk serviche thing from Tocalou.

Tomorrow, the three Kili volunteers head out and then on Saturday all of the Dartmouth volunteers will be off island. A few World Teach volunteers will be staying in downtown Majuro until they ship out. I'm sure I'll have more to post about that later. It looks like I'll be better at posting this year because the MIR started giving out free wireless internet. All you need to do is buy some food and you make your money back on what you would have spent on internet at NTA or the RRE.


ae said...

Are the planes flying this year?

P.Espina said...
