Monday, April 7, 2008

Kili has no power, so no communication for now

Hi Everyone,

A transformer blew at the Kili Power Plant, leaving them without power since Friday. So if you have texted/emailed/called them, this is the reason they have not responded. A boat is leaving for Kili tomorrow and it will have a mechanic on it... the idea is he fixes the blown transformer. It is unclear how long that will take.

Charlie, Sarah and Erin are being troopers and staying (relatively) positive despite this setback to daily routines (no water pumps, no lights at night, no stove, etc). They were able to use battery power to check in with me today via the CB radio but didn't have time to say much because they wanted to conserve battery power.

I'm sure they will let you know when the power is back on and they are able to communicate again.
